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Contenu récent par sneak

  1. sneak

    morning glory seed LSA extraxtion

    Have you looked on Google first
  2. sneak

    NEO HIVE! time for future bees to unite

    Welcome. :)
  3. sneak

    Piper Aritum

    Great first post! Cheers lots of info there man!
  4. sneak

    Piper Aritum

    Lay it all down brother! Experiences more so. I need some tea time reading.
  5. sneak

    How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way)

    Logic tells one it would most likely mean syphon...as in remove the layer from the other layer...with the pipette..
  6. sneak

    help. brewed pedro, left with sandy salty stuff???

    Cool i was wonderinh what it was. How is the brew?
  7. sneak

    help. brewed pedro, left with sandy salty stuff???

    I doubt it would be as the extraction calla for a few more steps before final product like acid basing and crystalisation of the mescaline to the hcl.
  8. sneak


    I think you mean STRIKE...dude
  9. sneak

    FBI urges coffeshops to report cash paying customers

    Haha man what the fuck is that bullshit
  10. sneak

    diethyl ether

    Wish i saw this before hammering a good 500ml a few years ago Can Never forget that aftertaste. stayed there for hours. no smoking lol! But yes, agreed, the stuff is fantastic for extractions of plants etc. Swim used it extensively when extracting coca plants. very clean and easy to work with...
  11. sneak

    Name 10 drugs you want to try!!!

    Mda. Only one left. 100% coke is my favourite drug, followed by mdma. Just for the sheer fact i dont feel like death the next day, unlike mdma. Tried a multitude of other things, speed,crack,acid,dmt,2cb,khat,kratom,salvia,mushrooms,cannabis,ketamine and possiblena couple others. I have found i...
  12. sneak


    Lets call it slightly past germination and aware of the long and educational journey ahead. Swims in for the ride lets hope hes got enough coal to get the steam to power the mind...big up spiceb
  13. sneak

    Bright Stars MDMA synth

    Nice intro. I like your style.
  14. sneak

    Name 10 drugs you want to try!!!

    coca leaves are shit. Literally no real noticible effects bar numbing and a little energy. Good to say you have had them, but personally, just extract them and sniff a fat line.