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Magic Dragon


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
Ok so the other legal high I have tried recently is Magic Dragon.

It comes in a glossy black foil type package and it states that it's not for human consumption (although it's sold for the purpose of smoking). It also seems to come in different flavours from original to blackberry (I've found the original works whereas the blackberry doesn't). It appears to be comprised of plant material.

Anyway, when I smoked it (2 cones - bowls for our american friends) I immediately noticed a very warm to hot tingling sensation in my john thomas and then my thought processes became very disjointed and jumpy (almost like the flickering of an old fashion projector), the stone was the strongest I've had from a legal high. I then rapidly lost all energy and spent about 2 hours half dozing, half dreaming sitting upright on the couch. I felt very lethargic and demotivated for about 4 more hours after that.

Has anyone had any experience with this stuff and/or know what it's made of?


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
I'm going out on a limb to say it's not worthwhile to try?


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
I wouldn't say that. The 2 hours on the couch half sleeping half awake was actually quite pleasant with a lot of interesting CEV's like a tamer version of the awesome CEV's from LSD. The jumpy/disjointed thoughts were also pleasant.

However, I probably won't smoke it again due to the lethargy and lack of motivation afterward. It may just be me because quite a few I've spoken to in the shop (customers not employees) absolutely love it.


Matrice périnatale
20 Sept 2014
I had to sign up to this website just to comment on MAGIC DRAGON.... My wife had a good pinch of this stuff through a little bong & I had 1/5th of that amount because I witnessed the immediate effect on my wife (who like me smokes ganja all day). This day we had run out 😢 ANYWAY MAGIC NASTY DRAGON. My wife almost immediately collapsed and began screaming louder than I've ever witnessed in my life and her mouth was wide open like a horror movie I WAS WORRIED she might dislocate her jaw!!!! Now myself coming up from just one tiny pipes worth I knew what she was going through EVERYTHING in my living room looked totally different like some sort of distorted alien place. This is NOT a cannabis substitute it's a LCD or Magic mushroom substitute and it's miles more stronger. My wife was terrified she couldn't be touched or spoken to. My 8yr old was devistated and frightened REMEMBER she was screaming loudly and acting like she'd been possesed by a crazed demon.. She was doing everything but spinning her head 360 degrees squirting green plasma !!!!!!!!! I managed to speak to her about an hour later she was still tripping. She thought I was an alien AN EXTEREMLY UGLY AND SCARY ONE. She thought our daughter was AN alien grey helping me kill her. I myself did not recognise my surroundings or my wife. She looked like a stranger. This trip was harder and higher than any LSD I've EVER TAKEN. BTW what we smoked was magic dragon sealed from a shop. Looks like crumbled Ganja. Never ever again I fear my wife & daughter (8yrs old) will be mentally scar'd for life. I read one report saying a 27yr old was sectioned under the mental health act and is still in hospital 3yrs later. BEWARE


Matrice périnatale
8 Nov 2015
Magic dragon is probably fake weed or synthetic weed. The foil bags come in all colors and names and characters. You never know that is in fake shit. The fake weed Iwwas busted with tested positive in synthetic bath salt research chemicals. This was a bag of 7H. Each bag has a different blend and mixture of research chemicals u never know what your gonna get.
Fake weed makes u sick and it damages nerves easily. I can't taste or feel my hands arms head and legs. I hope my nerves heal.