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Je m'inscris!

Mimosa Tenuiflora and Acacia Confusa

  • Auteur de la discussion shamantetsujin
  • Date de début


Hey everyone!

Self-sustaining psychonaut in search for a US based nursery/garden center that sells MH or AC trees. The reason is clear - and I'm certainly not ordering online as of late. Too much unnecessary drama for a clear mind. :ninja: I would rather drive several hundred miles to find a beautiful tree that I can take home and care for myself. Anyway - I've always followed psychonaut's forums as well as other sister forums and have never had any reason to post anything because I can always have my questions answered by keeping an open eye. Until, however my recent desire to go off the grid and make everything in my life from food, to spice and brew.

I know that certain teks can be made on various plants that are near me, such as some phalaris, and arundo reeds. I am hesitant because it still seems unbalanced. I've read various bioassays that are successful and many that are not. Any suggestions for someone on the DL just trying to self-sustain in the dead of another PNW winter? Thanks guys.

Mad respect to everyone who has contributed to these forums. There's a wealth of knowledge that we are all lucky to have access to. If I'm lucky I'll find my very own special plant that no one can take away from me and my enlightenment.


*edit* perhaps a better question would be where I could look for a significant renewable source during this time of the year? I am not necessarily stuck on MH or AC. Those are just what I was used to in the past and have had the best of luck with.