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Je m'inscris!

bathroom, lsd, mirror...


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Avr 2008
so...i'm sure that a good portion of us out there have had the classic "mirror experience"...

...for those who aren't familiar this typically involves the use of a psychoactive(usually something strong like cid or cybin but sometimes includes bud) and walking into a bathroom with a mirror.

Usually everything gets incredibly trippy and self-perception of oneself becomes completely messed up. who is the person perceiving who? who is looking back? who is the one who sees behind your eyes? who/what are you? ...questions like that, you know.

well i had this happen to me again last night and i had an AHA! life revelation...sort of. this may make sense or not at all since it's really subjective and applies to me. ok...

You are the mirror!

...now, granted i may have just been bat-shit crazy out of my mind because i was intense so it might not even be relevant at all.

but now that i look back it still seems to make sense. I just can't logically step-by-step explain it. to me it feels like the color blue, once you see it you can't forget it...you see it as a fact that you just can't explain/describe by any means because it carries no form/traits/characteristics of it's own...or not i don't know.

i can't explain it and i feel any other explanation than that will take away from the flash of insight i had then. if this makes any sense to you feel free to exchange thoughts. i feel this is an interesting theory to a somewhat common experience.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
i had a classic mirror experience a couple of hours ago.im on shrooms. i was trying to focus on my face as id been eating chinese food and knew i must have got some on my face. what i could see was a mask floating an inch over my face and it was made of celtic knotwork shifting into maori tatoo design. the knotwork was flowing upwards to my hair which was moving like flames straight up and forming a firey halo(haleluja) it was beautifull. but when i smiled it was like the film nosferatu, spindly fangs corkscrewing about in my mouth. i couldnt get my face to hold still so i washed it anyway and gave up. one of my fave films to watch tripping is an old black and white comedy called the man in the mirror. the Bogus of Bogatar cracks me up :retard:


Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007



Alpiniste Kundalini
10 Déc 2005
that same effects happens (in a minor way) when you just stare at yourself in the mirror without blinking your eyes
But still, the experience is way more intense when you're on psychedelics


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
not quite in this thread but- the first e i had almost 20 years ago on my birthday. i was drinking heavily with my coleagues, generaly offending everyone with honesty so my girlfriend suggested we go somewhere else before i got fired. we went to a club and she went to the bar while i looked for a seat. as i headed towards the back of the club someone walked up to me. he looked out of his mind so i stepped aside. he stepped in front of me. i moved again, so did he. i thaught -right thats it and started taking off my coat. so did he. it was only the laughter of the people behind me, who were also behind him that made me realise i was starting a fight with myself. (i would have won, he looked realy out of it)


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i had this experience often as a child before having used psychoactive drugs. and then i had it again with weed and psylocibin.

it's a really weird feeling .... it's like you "know" that the mirror is just a mirror and will show you nothing more than a reflection.... and then you see yourself in the mirror, but i am sure i have never really known the image in the mirror so it's kind of a new thing to see yourself in the mirror if you think about it.

especially while tripping the boundaries are more dissolved and it drags you towards the feeling of not knowing who you (really) are. this of course is kind of an important issue to deal with so most probably it triggers unconscious thoughts that are mostly manifested in fear and anxiety or other similar sensations.

so i never had a "real" mirror experience while tripping, but i have thought a bit about it, but for me it's like my own eyes show me what is true and what not. (in the mirror)

also ... you think everything is connected??? is one ??? "god" is in everything and everyone ??? then the mirror would be a part of the "big" you (god) and the same with you ... and in the overall picture the mirror would be kind of a device that allows a part of the "big" you to see another bigger part of the "big" you (= of itself) and therefore give part of god an insight... ;) therefore it would be somethin like god giving another part of himself the chance to see...............................................................................................

i really hope you can make sense out of the bullshit i wrote. :)




21 Juil 2007
5 922
druglessdouglas a dit:
not quite in this thread but- the first e i had almost 20 years ago on my birthday. i was drinking heavily with my coleagues, generaly offending everyone with honesty so my girlfriend suggested we go somewhere else before i got fired. we went to a club and she went to the bar while i looked for a seat. as i headed towards the back of the club someone walked up to me. he looked out of his mind so i stepped aside. he stepped in front of me. i moved again, so did he. i thaught -right thats it and started taking off my coat. so did he. it was only the laughter of the people behind me, who were also behind him that made me realise i was starting a fight with myself. (i would have won, he looked realy out of it)

hehe sounds cool... but i don't quite understand ... was the person that did the same actions like you involved in the fight or not ???

or did the actions undertaken by him confuse you so much, that you had to fight yourself in order to fight the inner confusion ??? :mrgreen:

i've tried e and that's why i'm askin. :P

sorry for doublepost! :?



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
the person in the mirror was me, i just couldnt see very well. also he seemd to move after i did so i thaught it was someone else. also i didnt recognise him at all, even after learning my mistake. the thing was i was loved up, he looked deranged and angry. i guess i was paranoid but without feeling paranoid. the club we were in was a bit rough so subconciously i would have been on guard. yeh, paranoid without felling it atall. says something about e (or me)


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i don't understand. did your clone attack you or did you fight with yourself as one person?? :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
luckily no fight occured. i almost attacked a mirror which would have been a bit stupid. it looked like mirror man wanted a fight from his behavior. of course the mirror would have won eventually through pure stamina. then the bouncers would have thrown me out, so i would lose at least twice.[edit] at that time i was a paranoid agressive speedfreek who would fight anyone over anything(even me, especially me)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
The universe is a reflection.


19 Juin 2008
my mirror experience came from LSA / morning glory. I found this 1foot by 1foot mirror and was holding it and sat down on my friend's dorm-room bed. I had a discussion with myself where my mirror self would stop talking and just listen as i spoke, then i would listen and watch it speak. Then i looked at my eyes and saw my face pull apart into a Alex Grey -esc style of imagery as my chacras became visible.

then i just sat and watched the mirror for the better part of an hour.


Well I had one the first time I tried Acid, which was earlier this year...mine centered off how I really looked towards other people and almost got bad when I decided I no longer knew what I looked like ha! It eventually led to getting naked, watching myself smoke cigarettes deciding it was killing me :idea: and jumping in and out of the shower to cool down. For the next three months I stopped smoking, ran and lifted every day and ate healthly. Im slipping on the working out and eating healthy but have remained a non-smoker. The benifits have been outstanding. Its time again if it ever finds me.


Sale drogué·e
20 Juil 2013
I had many mirror experiences.
And another strange and fun thing to do with a friend is staring at each other. I had a friend and we would stare at each other and zone out and watch each others face morph.

It is interessting to think about how we see. How the human mind (brains and eyes) works.
How we see light and color. How a mirror works. And how we can see in a dream.