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Disney's Fantasia mescaline inspired

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
For many many years there has been speculation and urban legends about the possibly psychedelic or hallucinogenic inspiration for Walt Disney's animated masterpieces such as FANTASIA or the PINK ELEPHANTS sequence from Dumbo.

Paul Laffoley confirms: Disney's "Fantasia" was Mescaline Inspired


Paul relates the background information on how Disney became aware of the creative potentials of Mescaline (Peyote) while visiting Black Mountain College in North Carolina in 1935. Disney was visiting to meet with artistic director Josef Albers, the last head of the Bauhaus before the Nazis closed it. The students explained to Walt Disney that felt oppressed by Albers teaching techniques and took the summer vacations to Mexico to collect Peyote buttons for inspiration.


By 1936 Walt Disney was taking Mescaline of a regular basis, this information comes from the recollections of the students and faculty at black Mountain College as confided to Mr Laffoley.

Paul Laffoley Multidimensional Visionary Art


Question: Laffoley, I am writing to you to inquire as to whether you would be willing to tell me the story pertaining to the connections and history of Walt Disney’s connection to Josef Albers. Miles Huston told me a story that he said originated with you regarding Walt Disney and his infatuation with the Black Mountain College and the clique surrounding Josef Albers. I have been very interested in the subject matter and would love to hear what you have to say.

Thank you, Anais


Dear Anais, In 1933, when Black Mountain College opened in Asheville, North Carolina, its artistic director was Josef Albers (1888-1972) the last head of the Bauhaus before the Nazis closed it. The contract for Albers and his wife Anni was offered by the American architect Philip Johnson (1906-2005). By 1935 Walt Disney (1908-1966) got wind of what was up. He rushed to get an interview with Albers explaining that no one had understood so far the artistic implications of the new field of animation. When they met Albers was not amused with Disney’s vision of cute nature. The meeting ended with Albers blowing up saying, “I will not allow any American kitsch to infect the minds of ‘my’ students.

Disney was astonished but not deterred from his mission. He sensed, however, that Albers’ “will to power


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
fascinating! I realized earlier that there were a lot of such connections to drugs in Disney's movies, now it's official...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
:D When I was a kid I used to watch it at least once a week


23 Sept 2008
It was one of my favorite movies growing up as a child, and now to this day still watch it all the time with my nieces and nephews. :D


Sale drogué·e
22 Juil 2008
So my first trip was actually a mescaline one, interesting. :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
The days on this glorious plant have made me a child. While the grown man into me discovered his woman heart and passion.

Dancing as quick as a snake bite, with no gravity attached to the movements. Walking as flying above the ground. The wizard hat as a source of magic.

The air, the light blue sky in where I witnessed crystal clear water and diamonds. The dependancy of the body on water or food, appetite and thirds, satisfied by the enormous power of the sacred plant.

Contraction and pain considered as unworthy. The love, a white sheet with blooming flowers on it. Imagination and mutual tenderness, the highest values offered by being alive.

Dreams with glitters, soft wind through your hair, infinite freedom of creation. The deepest wishes of the observer, exploding out of paint balls readily connecting unbounded euphoria within the self.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
my last lsd-trip i tripped on alice in wonderland.
i thought it was a pornmovie.


Always loved that dumbo-trip, even as a kid.
I even had only those beforementioned 5mins
only, taped on VHS for safekeeping, hehe... :)

Matt John

Lots of research was being done with mescaline, even from the turn of the century. Heinrich Kluver categorized the various types of 'hallucinatory' patterns that subjects had. Huxley wrote BNW in 1932, years after such research. Disney [which we always guessed back in the day] had a leading mescaline researcher on staff for his classic 'Fantasia' in the late 30's, according to Stafford's Psychedelic Encyclopedia. Huxley himself first took mecaline in 1953, and continued to explore with psychedelics up to the moment he died on November 22, 1963 (same day as Kennedy's assasination), with his wife Laura giving him injections of LSD. He kew the difference between mezcal, and mescaline even when he wrote BNW.

Matt John :ANAL:
cisco training!


6 Fev 2011
It all makes beautiful sense...remember the tripping scene in The Road to El Dorado?

Another Rube

Matrice périnatale
13 Mar 2011
wellaware a dit:
It all makes beautiful sense...remember the tripping scene in The Road to El Dorado?
Hell yes I do, my favorite part of afterschool care as a kid, by far.

I am so glad I found this place.


Walt Disney became aware of the creative potentials of Mescaline (Peyote) and was experimenting with it often by 1936 ..he gave us Fantasia & Disney . Then there is Steve Job's who created Pixar & Apple who took at least 50 LSD trips when young whos company is now worth $360Bil equal to Exxon. To think that psyhedelics did not singly change the direction of the human race , you have a trip of learning awaiting ...

There were many gatherings also at Mabel Dodge's ranch near Taos New Mexico , for you that aren't familiar Mabel Dodge was a wealthy heiresse/philanthropist of New York 1920's, who organized many gatherings of the intellectual art community there that were famous, that included in attendance such luminaries as Carl Van Vechten, Margaret Sanger, Emma Goldman, Charles Demuth, "Big Bill" Haywood, Max Eastman, Lincoln Steffens, Hutchins Hapgood, Neith Boyce, and John Reed. In 1919 Mabel Dodge Sterne, her husband Maurice, and Elsie Clews Parsons moved to Taos, New Mexico and started a literary colony there.

The salon of heiress Mabel Dodge Luhan in outback of Taos New Mexico rivaled Gertrude Stein's Parisian loft. She lured to New Mexico Thomas Wolfe, Carl Jung, Aldous Huxley, Mary Austin, Willa Cather and some of the best painters of the 20th century, including O'Keefe, Marsden Hartley, John Marin and Andrew Dasburg. Gathered around her 20ft long solid rosewood table would find illuminating encounters between these gifted folks , often among them (but privacy kept ) was Walt Disney on several visits early on & later yrs in the 1950's .

An older gentleman who was a bit of a cowboy bohemian & reporter for the Phoenix Sun i met in early Berkeley who shared some extremely interesting stories of these nights around the rosewood table & the discussions that ensued after dinners there , where many of the guests did share/ingest psychotropic mushrooms & cactii together (and perhaps later LSD). One of the great surprises that this reporter who was himself present at many of these gatherings , though has been never disclosed only wrapt in secrecy , one of the guests was also John F Kennedy who had a boundless curiosity & did several experiments with Peyote there himself . To this day , you'll not hear this story but knowing the source who's credentials & charactor were such , that this information ....like the journey to truth for all these noted persons was sacred & kept private. Not for exploitation are such indulgings for these were people of high charactor & leanings towards achievements for expanding human understanding ..and so many years later this fellow would tell the storys but not financially try to gain from them.

Mabel Dodge Luhan died at her home in Taos in 1962 and was buried in Kit Carson Cemetery. The Mabel Dodge Luhan House has been designated a national historic landmark and is a historic inn and conference center. Natalie Goldberg frequently teaches at Mabel Dodge Luhan House, where Dennis Hopper wrote the script for Easy Rider.


25 Sept 2011
interesting i've seen fantasia and fantasmic along with pretty much everything disney related and thinking about it walt was deff a psychonaut i mean c'mon. the scene pink elephants fantasia and even fantasmic should only be enjoyed on psychedelics after seeing the show's both on and off chemicals i know how it was ment to be seen


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2014
1 358
so...we have the proof that it made by native american plants!!!


Matrice périnatale
21 Juin 2014
Haha Even as a kid when I watched it I thought the makers must have been on drugs, have actually been looking for the original online but no luck finding it yet.


Elfe Mécanique
2 Août 2014
Interesting but there are plenty of examples like this related to the entertainment industry!