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Distinct feeling of electricity during Sleep Paralysis?


24 Juin 2009
As you fall asleep, particularly during sleep paralysis, has anyone ever had a distinct feeling of like... electricity flowing side to side in the brain?

For lack of a better term, I call it Brainflow.

It happens to be all the time. I used to be afraid I was having a seizure and wake myself up. It took me about a year to work up the courage to not freak out.

I'm getting better maintaining the delicate balance of being in the state. It seems like one can easily slip out of it, or slip deeper. Slipping deeper freaks me out, I haven't tried going all that deep. If I leave my eyes open a little bit, and the lights are on in the room, then I don't panic as much, and I can explore and maintain the balance.

Sometimes if I hang out long enough in brainflow, a dream suddenly starts, and I'm automatically lucid.

During brainflow I have normal thoughts, my adreneline is running and I'm exaggeratedly paranoid and aware of body sensations and external sounds. Sometimes it's accompanied by rapidly shifting perceptions (esp. during sleep paralysis). There's also the characteristic flowing sensation of electricity in my head, which feels like it's moving side to side.

I've tried a few experiments while in the state. Curiously, If I start playing music in my head, the sensations pick up intensity really quickly. I have to stop or otherwise I start panicking.

LMAO. It's the weirdest thing in the world.

Has anyone felt this? Have any idea what it is? Is part of my brain going to sleep, and the other part given a nice window seat to watch?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... 06&lang=nl

As you see there is another thread about sleep paralysis, so there are other people who experiencing it.

During brainflow I have normal thoughts, my adreneline is running and I'm exaggeratedly paranoid and aware of body sensations and external sounds.

It seems that you are conscious and pay attention to many details about what happens to your body. Are you also a person who keep conscious about it at daytime? Are you afraid to get sick and die suddenly, or afraid of getting other diseases?

I know it might sound as stupid questions, but i have a little brother who also pays a lot attention to everything that happens with and in his body. He is so aware of everything that it did almost become a sort of phobia for all kinds of diseases.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Jan 2007
1 518
I have this feeling too, like electricity zapping through your head right? Interesting thiing about is it started during a mushroom trip (for me a quite heavy one on 5 grams dried) feeling like breaking through something, now i sometimes have it while nearly falling asleep. For me it's just an interesting phenomena, w/e it is :P


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
I love this phenomenon. If it happens again, try turning yourself from one direction to another. You'll feel like you're facing in two directions at once. It's awesome.

Keep cool though. SP can be scary, as I'm sure you know.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Yes, definitely sensations of an electric current flowing around me.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
i have felt waves that went from the crown all the way down to the tip of my toes. after that, i could not move a bit.


24 Juin 2009
Are you also a person who keep conscious about it at daytime? Are you afraid to get sick and die suddenly, or afraid of getting other diseases?
Nah, not really. I am extremely conscious of my own mental processes though..

It's awesome to know tons of people experience this.

It happened to me again last night. I was completely aware as I fell asleep. A dream started, and I was lucid, but as soon as I tried to control it the vision evaporated (always happens to me). Then I was flowing around in the sea of my subconscious music.. it sounded like flowing water mixed with the drum beat of this song I'm writing.

I felt the electricity. It pulsed from an origin in the center of my brain and spread all over. It pulsed again a few minutes later. Afraid I might stop breathing (my face was buried in my girlfriend's back) I forced myself out of paralysis. I felt quite refreshed.

Upon awakening, it struck me that I might be sensing my pineal gland excreting melatonin or something. What do you think?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
Synith a dit:
I love this phenomenon. If it happens again, try turning yourself from one direction to another. You'll feel like you're facing in two directions at once. It's awesome.

Keep cool though. SP can be scary, as I'm sure you know.
Dude, now that you mentioned it....youre absolutely right man!
thats kinda cool.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
great experience cortexelus, music and sound in dream states is just awesome

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Cortexelus a dit:
Afraid I might stop breathing (my face was buried in my girlfriend's back) I forced myself out of paralysis. I felt quite refreshed.
Hmmm, in that case your sleep paralysis is completely different from what I've experienced so far. Because there's no way I could force myself out of the paralysis.

Upon awakening, it struck me that I might be sensing my pineal gland excreting melatonin or something. What do you think?


24 Juin 2009
Happened again..

I felt the electricity start in my abdominal region and slowly move up my body, into my brain, to the edge of the frontal lobes

It flowed up about a handful of times before I couldn't take it any further.

At the time I was thinking about how the brain "prunes" synaptic connections during sleep, and I felt as if that was happening. I had a fear of getting pruned, and woke myself out of it.

I'm still as irrational as hell, but every time I feel calmer and more lucid and more in control of the balance.


11 Jan 2009
i always feel a hard wind blowing right through my body... :lol:


Sorry to replay on this old topic !!

But i realy need some help !!!

Im a Male and im 26 years old .

Since a few months i experiance sleep paralysis ( I think ) ...
at first i was thinking that it was some kind of wierd dream ,
But it happens so often now !
And to be honest im realy scared of it !

It happens almost every night to me now ..
And i even feel it comming when im a wake ( In bed ) now then ,

I wil discripe as best as i can what i feel and hear ..

It stards with a wierd feeling in head between my eyes ( 3the eye )
Then i stard hearing / feeling a buzzzing sound .
Its verry light at the stard but its getting heavyer and heavyer every second and then BAM !! im paralised !!...
i cant move my body .. but i feel that im moving / floating !! ???
then panic comes .. and i stard yelling trying to move my body but only my fingers seem to move.

Some times it takes 30 seconds some times a few mints before im Back ..
and then i wake u yelling ..

the first few times my girl started panicing ..
but now it seems normal if it happens 2 me a few times a night ..

I realy hope that there is some one who can tell me a trick so i can experiance the fun side of it..
Becouse now its only a panic "dream" for me..


Sorry for my bad english ,
Im Dutch and im verry dyslexia .

Thanks !!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
Well im not an expert but the first bunch of times i experienced sleep paralysis i also felt panic and a bit of fear
If you just realize that its happening and be conscious that it will pass then it shouldnt be too much of a problem
just think 'this will end within a few minutes'
try and just go with it

or even better yet once you learn to be a bit more calm during sleep paralysis you can use it to stay conscious as you drift off to sleep and try to fall into a lucid dream

The truth is the more you know about the subject the less scary it is, i dont know enough about it to inform you but there is a bunch of threads in the forum about this kind of thing as well as all over the net

Just as long as you keep in mind that it wont harm you and as unpleasant as it is at first its something you can get used to and eventually even experiment with


Dimaz- I felt that way when I was a teenager. What I found as a trick to stop it is when the feeling backs down a little, before it builds up strong again, change position like sit up or roll over onto your other side. It worked really well for me. Unfortunately, it worked too well and I feel like it kept me from exploring what was going on for years. It turns out sleep paralysis is like getting in the water when you're a little kid-- if you just jump in and go with it, you'll find it's not really scary and it's interesting. It's only scary if you fight it. When you're ready, if you try and embrace it and feel what's going on, it feels pretty good. I can feel electricity running through my body and I feel energized afterwards. It's good to explore different forms of consciousness, so try and play around with it when you're ready. You'll find that it's not scary if you don't fight it.


24 Août 2011
What could cause hind leg paralysis in a dog? My friends dog woke up this morning and could not walk on her hind legs. We've checked for ticks and found none and there has been no trauma. What else could cause this kind of paralysis?
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Matrice périnatale
14 Oct 2013
Cortexelus a dit:
As you fall asleep, particularly during sleep paralysis, has anyone ever had a distinct feeling of like... electricity flowing side to side in the brain?

For lack of a better term, I call it Brainflow.

During brainflow I have normal thoughts, my adreneline is running and I'm exaggeratedly paranoid and aware of body sensations and external sounds. Sometimes it's accompanied by rapidly shifting perceptions (esp. during sleep paralysis). There's also the characteristic flowing sensation of electricity in my head, which feels like it's moving side to side.

I've tried a few experiments while in the state. Curiously, If I start playing music in my head, the sensations pick up intensity really quickly. I have to stop or otherwise I start panicking.

LMAO. It's the weirdest thing in the world.

Has anyone felt this? Have any idea what it is? Is part of my brain going to sleep, and the other part given a nice window seat to watch?

Absolutely. I had this same experience once (electric current flowing through my head from side to side) during my sleep paralysis exactly once so far in my life time.

Ive had sleep paralysis since my teenage years (happens once every 1 year or maybe twice) and usually as I go to sleep it is a ghost or demon sitting in my chest and trying to choke me to death. I struggle to wakeup but I cannot move a muscle. Lasts less than 5 minutes and I eventually wakeup really glad it is over.

Once what you said happens to me. It began as my usual episode. Ghost on my chest. Then had electricicty back and forth passing through my head as I was sleeping and struggling to wakeup. Eventually woke up after 10 minutes or so. This happenned only once.

I was diagboised later with hgh anxiety disorder along with mild depression. Also developed bells palsy which got cured in a week (due to intense emotional stress and anger) and after that eposide had a distension of my vestibular and facial nerve. While none of it is life threatening problem , I suspect sleep paralysis may be tied to anxiety and emotional stress.


Matrice périnatale
14 Oct 2013
dimaz a dit:
Sorry to replay on this old topic !!

But i realy need some help !!!

Im a Male and im 26 years old .

Since a few months i experiance sleep paralysis ( I think ) ...
at first i was thinking that it was some kind of wierd dream ,
But it happens so often now !
And to be honest im realy scared of it !

It happens almost every night to me now ..
And i even feel it comming when im a wake ( In bed ) now then ,

I wil discripe as best as i can what i feel and hear ..

It stards with a wierd feeling in head between my eyes ( 3the eye )
Then i stard hearing / feeling a buzzzing sound .
Its verry light at the stard but its getting heavyer and heavyer every second and then BAM !! im paralised !!...
i cant move my body .. but i feel that im moving / floating !! ???
then panic comes .. and i stard yelling trying to move my body but only my fingers seem to move.

Some times it takes 30 seconds some times a few mints before im Back ..
and then i wake u yelling ..

the first few times my girl started panicing ..
but now it seems normal if it happens 2 me a few times a night ..

I realy hope that there is some one who can tell me a trick so i can experiance the fun side of it..
Becouse now its only a panic "dream" for me..


Sorry for my bad english ,
Im Dutch and im verry dyslexia .

Thanks !!

Ive had sleep paralysis too for a while.
Even though it is very scary it may not be that damaging. So be calm and try to bring about a healthy state of mind. Research is still going on this area. No one has solutions. Try a more healthier lifestyle if that makes sense. Are you an anxious person by any chance. Reduce your anxiety and it may help.