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HBW/MG, First Time!!


1 Nov 2009
Good day fellow psychonauts.

I have been reading about LSA (morning glory, and HBW seeds) for quite the time now. Since trying LSD for the first time, ive had my sights set on a more acquirable, affordable.. and now legal alternative. Shrooms unfortunately dont last nearly as long as I would like them to, so i have long given up on taking shrooms when a long, insightful and serious trip is what i need. I stumbled upon LSA about 2 years ago, reading about it on the internet, various trip reports. Some things i have noticed that were topics of conflict where nausea, dosage and similarities between LSD and LSA.


My questions are.

1) How many seeds should I take? I'm about 140 pounds, 5 feet 11 inches and drugs "hit" me rather quickly. I know that the amount of LSA in HBW, and MG is different... but how much do i need to produce a decent LSD-like trip?

2) I HATE NAUSEA! and i would like to avoid this puppy the best i can. so what method of extraction, either cold water.. or just plain chewing. What should i do?

3) Hows about nutshell trip reports, specifically focusing on the similarities between LSA, and LSD.

I understand that the 2 drugs are indeed different, and should be respected as different substances, along with their psychonautic potential. But LSD is too damn hard to find, too damn illegal, and if there is an alternative in LSA... It would bring me some definite peace about "drug use".


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
i only tried morning glory seeds once, and they didn't go as planned. DONT eat the ones you get from a nursury, they are chemical coated and DO NOT work properly... somebody might know a more convenient way than growing and harvesting yourself, but i do not.


1 Nov 2009
There is a corner store, minutes from where i live that sells (legitimate) HBWS, Salvia, opium, and others. Intended of course for human consumption, but not marketed under such intentions. The prices are reasonable, as well as the quality (I have tried the opium and salvia... both are LEGIT).

Although i do understand the "catches" to LSA use, im willing to preform a simple extraction method, but i do not know how. and i would love to hear of some (successful) extraction methods used. As well as dosage, and nausea prevention.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Yeah definitely do the extraction if you go with the MG seeds. Just google it, apparently it is an easy polar/nonpolar extraction process that "even a monkey could do". I don't think you need to worry about extracting from HBWR, just take the amount of seeds you like (6-8, so I read) and chew with a slab of bubble gum (something big like Hubba Bubba would be smart).

I tried MG seeds today, grinded up 300 of them, mixed with apple sauce. Man was that sick, worse than Kava or even Nutmeg. The nausea was too much and I couldn't hold it down for more than an hour. Though, while I was chained to the toilet, the walls seemed to breathe. I'm definitely doing the extraction on my remaining seeds.

Good luck bro.


1 Nov 2009
Nanacapilli a dit:
I tried MG seeds today, grinded up 300 of them, mixed with apple sauce. Man was that sick, worse than Kava or even Nutmeg. The nausea was too much and I couldn't hold it down for more than an hour. Though, while I was chained to the toilet, the walls seemed to breathe. I'm definitely doing the extraction on my remaining seeds.

Oh man! I'm sorry to hear that :(

Apparently 300 isnt really much of a dose says "SWIM". Also, reading several trip reports, I found a common denominator linking MG usage and nausea. The seeds themselves when consumed produce the unwanted effect. Isolate the variable (LSA from the seeds) and throw the seed gunk out.

My plan is to do 8 HBWS, so chewing them in gum is alright? My stomach has gone through quite the beating over the past few days. Beginning with food poisoning, and ending with the lunar new year celebration (got too drunk :rolleyes: ). Woke up and (still drunk) have been getting complaints from my "buddy"... the pain has been close to unbearable. I hate nausea.. have i said that before?


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Yeah, I'm most definitely going to extract the molecules from the remaining seeds I've with me. I also HATE nausea, so I hope that my upcoming aya trip with override that side effect when I try that (figuring it will).

Chewing the gum seemed the best method to me, after some research. It'll hide the taste mostly and you should get some sublingual absorption along with the LSA-laced saliva you swallow :D My condolences on the hung up belly! I would wait until you are good and strong in the gut again, before taking the seeds.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Do extraction. My friend recently did it via naptha (to get rid of bad stuff) and alcohol (to hold the good stuff).

Grind it, put it in naptha for 2-3 days, (agitate it periodically).

Filter the seeds out and let dry completely (Naptha isn't good to swallow :) )

Put the seeds in 95% ethanol (190 proof alcohol) This is important!! You need to get the highest %. Soak the remains in an excess of alcohol.

What you want to do is take about 3-4 cups of the ethanol, put the grinded and dried seeds in it after the naptha is thrown away.

Once the ethanol seems to have a slight tinge to it, (ever so slight after 4-5 days) filter the seeds out, let the alcohol evaporate via breeze (not hear or sun!!). Make sure you divide the remaining alcohol in amounts where you know the # of SEEDS per amount ALCOHOL, and that the number of SEEDS per ALCOHOL isn't going to get you too wasted before you get high. I.E. if you buy 50 seeds, evap the alcohol down to about 5 shots - thus making 1 shot = 1 trip.

Here's the math:

10 seeds will make you trip pretty well with a proper extraction. 15 seeds is strong, very strong. 5 seeds will allow you to feel a lightness.

IMPORTANT: While doing this HEAT and direct SUNLIGHT should be AVOIDED! Do NOT boil the alcohol containing the LSA, this will destroy a large portion! It's very similar to mushrooms & LSD, although your thoughts are a bit more light than on mushrooms, and a little more blurry than on LSD.

All in all its very psychoactive, but it's not LSD, and it's not psilocybin. If you do this extraction, naseau is close to minimal if any.

You will need to take 1-2 shots of this alcohol (once evaporated down) to ingest it :) .

Have fun!


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
I can't fully take credit for this one, I think CM mentioned it first, but if it's MG, check the packet to make sure it says "No pesticide coating, organic, etc". It should say that explicitly, otherwise don't buy it. Next, wash it with warm water, get a plate, put about four or five sheets of paper towels and drop the seeds on top. You can mimic actual soil by then placing another papertowel over them. Keep the sheets moist, in a warm place, and they should "hatch". Afterwards using tweezers to take out the mini-plant and remove the shell casing.

Since the shell is not psychedelic + it's what typically causes the nausea, just eat the plant matter. Should be okay on the stomach, worst case, add some ginger to taste.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
An LSA trip, even from good seeds, like HBWR doesn't even match an LSD trip. It's good to start off with LSA though. A bit of Cannabis tends to help with the nausea.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
darkwolfunseen a dit:
I can't fully take credit for this one, I think CM mentioned it first, but if it's MG, check the packet to make sure it says "No pesticide coating, organic, etc". It should say that explicitly, otherwise don't buy it. Next, wash it with warm water, get a plate, put about four or five sheets of paper towels and drop the seeds on top. You can mimic actual soil by then placing another papertowel over them. Keep the sheets moist, in a warm place, and they should "hatch". Afterwards using tweezers to take out the mini-plant and remove the shell casing.

Since the shell is not psychedelic + it's what typically causes the nausea, just eat the plant matter. Should be okay on the stomach, worst case, add some ginger to taste.
Tried that there method and ended up with moldy seeds. Failure, explainable? If not, I will go on to the chemistry set.


14 Oct 2008
Good Luck and be sure to post your results. I have long been interested in attempting LSA and/or LSH.
Only thing that has stopped me so far is the availability of other more reliable substances.
For as many LSA success stories I read I read twice as many if not more dud reports.
Seems like the successes were mostly extractions and by folks that followed good procedure and made sure all was done in as dimly lit an area as possible.
Fresh seed material also seems to be crucial.
Best of Luck and hope to see you on the other side! :drinkers:


14 Oct 2008
Also, Nanacapilli,
If you are planning on an Aya brew, look into egg white or jello teks for removing the tannins in the brew. This should greatly help, if not eliminate, nausea and purging.
Just a thought.


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
In my experience, N2O (nitrous) can massively enhance the visual effect of LSA

Once, i've eaten only 5 seeds HBWR + did some nitrous when it came up,
damn, i never had tripped that hard of LSA before..
it might be compared with a mild acid trip , but different


Matrice périnatale
7 Mai 2010
first time i tried HBWR seeds, back last week.. i took 5(crushed and held under tongue), had a small amt of nausea and very few effects.. not recommended but ok for a first time(was my true first psychoactive besides cannabis ;) )..

last night i eat 10( 5 seeds at a time in the mouth, left to soak the chewed and swallowed) and although i hate nausea myself, it seems it's impossible to avoid it :(. i plan to have a smoke next time i try, hopefully it'll alleviate it slightly.

my point is although the nausea after an hour was strong enough to 'purge' i found out that once i purged entirely that the pain and 'bad trip' i was going through, is part of the experience and heightened the almighty high that followed!

afterwards and for many hours i was :rolleyes: , what was even greater was how my visual acuity was sharpened.

all in all a great experience.. so take the rough with the smooth and fear nothing.. it's all part of the trip imo ;)

hope it helps and i didnt blather too much lol.


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
i heard that taking off the coating of the HBWR seeds should reduce the nausea, never tried it myself though..


Matrice périnatale
7 Mai 2010
there was like a white coating on 5 of 10 of them.. scraped if off..

first time i didnt notice a coating tbh, so i never scraped.. just crushed and left under tongue :)

the 10 i have left havent got any coating on :?


1 Nov 2009
Yeah its been quite the time since I posted the original post, ive done the extraction 8 times since my first time.. and this is just a summary + trip report.
anyways... here is how it went.

i used a film canister, cold filtered water, 10 seeds, a teabag, 2 orthodontic elastics, a hammer and a pocket knife.

i began by shaving the seeds, getting rid of the nasty shell (SwiM tells me thats where all the bad stuff is at). put all the seeds back in a little baggy, and gently hammered away until there was nothing left but dust. then, i cut a corner of a teabag, and emptied 95% of its contents, and replaced that with the yummy HBWR seed-dust. put 2 orthodontic elastics around the teabag, to keep everything in its place during the extraction. filled the film canister with cold filtered water, and let the brew soak for about 12, with agitation every then and now.

12 hours later:

On my way to a friends place (A), one warm friday afternoon, during the end of spring. the night before i had prepared 2 film canisters full of tea (10 seeds each). A, was waiting for me, with some beautiful pot, rolling a joint as i arrived. we put on The Matrix, and smoked up... waiting for the infamous "bluepill/redpill" scene to drink our psychoactive shots of psychedelic tea :)

the scene came on, we drank our tea. it had a bit of a bitter reminiscence, but that was well accompanied with the 5% tea left behind... and the nutty flavour from the seeds themselves.

A instantly commented on the matrix. saying "duuudeee... each copy of the matrix trilogy in blue-ray should come with 2 pills, a blue sleeping pill.. and a red one with an angry mix of MDMA, LSD, DOx, Speed... and 30 other drugs that will make you say duuuuuuuuuuuude where is my CARRR!?!?!?!??!". thus the trip began. the earliest affects where noticed between he first and the 3rd hour. our visual field opened up, like with any other psychedelic, expanding to our peripherals (and beyond?). visions became slightly more vivid... and there was a noticeable body load (perhaps from the seeds?).

the movie ended, and we decided to take a long walk through a favourite park of ours. there was a pain that followed us through until the end of the 3rd hour, in our stomachs, we watched it move through our digestive system. by that time, the sun had set. the overall feeling was similar to that of a low dose of LSD, sans the visuals :( lights where really pretty in contrast with the night. there where some CEV's, which got us going into a hypnosis-themed trip. we took turns throwing eachother into trance, using the psychedelics enhancement over perception to its fullest capabilities (disregarding the mildness of the trip itself). crossing the senses over, to our best abilites was probably the highlight of the night. looking at scents from various sticks of incense, or taking turns looking at our favorite songs; watching the subtle patterns reverberate with the beat on the night sky (or behind closed eyelids).

about 6 hours after ingestion we headed home.. sleep was wonderful! the dreams where vivid, but excruciatingly hard to remember. interesting experience overall. maybe bump up the dose to 15 seeds next time? :P

thanks for all your help/ opinions/ experiences... made LSA a wonderful wonderful time for me :)


Hey, I recently came across info that hbwr seeds can be psychadelic, and as always I've loved the couple times i've tried lsd even though the 1st time was a bit too intense. So I ordered 50 hbwr seeds, made sure they were from hawaii and all that. I read anywhere from 4-10 seeds would be a normal dose. Me and 2 friends were planning on it, so I tend to go higher on drug doses myself, so I washed 30 seeds in case there was some shit on them, let em sit and dry.Then 10 at a time I grinded them up in a coffee grinder which was a pain in the ass because they're small, so I sort of shook the grinder while it was grinding. Not too powdery, but not to big of seed chunks, kind of in the middle. Scraped as much as I could of the powder that didn't dump out and put it all in a little dish of distilled water, repeated the process 2 more times for my friends. Covered the three dishes with tin foil and put them in my fridge. Supposedly light can mess with the alkaloids. It says you can let em sit for 2 hours or so, but I have certain responsibilities that required me to wait a couple days to try it. So 2 days they sat in cold distilled water. The 3 of us downed everything, even the grimy crusty seed particles. The 2 hour mark I read for effects to kick in was fairly accurate, although about 10 min. after ingesting I felt the stomach discomfort. Its not that bad, just kind of like you drank too much milk or ate a few too many donuts, and for me didn't last long, maybe on and off discomfort for 30 min. At the 2 hour mark I was clearly feeling it. Much more of a body high than anything In my opinion. I had slight visuals, a little bit like smoking cannabis, things quivering when I scanned the room. But felt great inside, warm and fuzzy. We decided to watch movies. We watched the bootcamp full metal jacket sequence that was just amazing, then got a little too intense, so we switched to fear and loathing in las vegas, and my face hurt from smiling so damn much. It lasted for a longtime, and I was tired by about 1am but couldn't sleep, and had a bit of anxiety at that point, just stayed up longer watching tv and eventually went to sleep. Was a good experience i'd say, I'm actually planning on doing it again with about 14 or 15 seed doses, and instead of distilled water i'm using some 100 proof peppermint schnapps, sort of an experiment, not a lot that would get me drunk, clearly for extraction purposes.


Forget what I said about extracting in alcohol, that shit didn't work at all. Coldwater kicked ass for me and the alcohol thing was just an experiment because I had a lot of seeds. I guess sometimes the simplest way IS the best way.


31 Juil 2010
Though I'm yet to try LSD, If it's anything like my LSA experiences, I will be extremely disapointed.

I'm not saying that they are useless, or that there are no psychedelic properties in them at all - but for me, they did not do much at all. I've heard that they can vary greatly from person to person - I may just been one of the unlucky ones that they don't agree with.

In my personal experience, I found the sub-lingual technique much more effective, and felt like the extraction method took out the bite of the substance. The first time I tried them, I used the extraction method and let 5 crushed seeds sit over night in a black room - drank it the next morning and after getting sleepy and having an hour long nap, woke up with little or no effects. I decided to crush up another 5, and this time just kept them under my tongue for 15-20 minutes, and did feel minor mental effects, major body load, slight nausea and cramps, but had a uncontrollable massive smile on my face for hours.

Tried them again a couple of months later, only using 7 seeds crushed and kept under my tongue, and felt the same effects.
They are cheap, and legal, and if you do react with them strongly they could be very worth while. The nausea and cramps were minor for me, so still worth it for the plesent euphoric feeling - just not regularly.