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En vous enregistrant, vous pourrez discuter de psychotropes, écrire vos meilleurs trip-reports et mieux connaitre la communauté

Je m'inscris!

Introduction thread


Matrice périnatale
6 Juil 2016
I am a 29 year old musician from the midwest. i have experimented heavily with LSD and Mushrooms ever since the age of 15 or 16, with the exception of a few long stinted hiatus'. I found my home away from home. i have already read things from some of you that were extremely enlightening and i can only hope i can offer the same. much love

Abej^a G.

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Fev 2013
6 541
Hello! Beautiful presentation!!
You're welcome!


Matrice périnatale
29 Juil 2016
Hi guys, dMars here.
I had a few shroom and magic truffle experiences the last couple of years that made me question what I believed about consciousness and reality.
And then came Ayahuasca.
During my first Ayahuasca retreat, a couple weeks ago, I had a very powerful session that cracked the wall I had been building and hiding behind throughout my life.
I felt the presence of 'Mother Ayahuasca' like a lot of people have reported, and she was showing me all these fears and automatic thought patterns and repressed emotions from the past, and that it was ok to feel them and let go of them. I cried and sobbed like a baby for hours. And felt highly emotional for a week after.
Now I feel lighter, as though I had been given a chance to start enjoying life again, although I was made aware that there is so much more I need to explore and let go of.
It's a scary crazy world, and I believe that if these natural substances were more talked about, better explored and studied by the scientific and medical community, along with a genuine interest in their healing properties in psychology, well maybe it wouldnt be far off to say that in a few years we could see a true human evolution.
That was a long intro, sorry
take care!


Matrice périnatale
8 Août 2016
Hello. My name is PJ.

Middle aged. Professional. Introverted. Curious.



Matrice périnatale
22 Sept 2016

I am here to discuss and explore psychedelics further, and help promote safety when taking them!


Matrice périnatale
26 Sept 2016
Hello, I'm new to the psychonaut forums. I have some experience with LSD and I have come here to learn more and to share what I learned.


Matrice périnatale
18 Avr 2016
Hi :). I've been psychonauting for almost two years with LSD, but without tripping inside myself. I only register now because it's time for me to connect with other minded people on the web, and it is time for me to start using psychedelics to go within.

I have many things to think about, to experiment with and to say about psychedelics. They came to me after a long period of digesting esoteric informations, and it appeared to me that esoterism (alchemy, hermetism, and other branches) fits perfectly with psychedelics.
I want to study those, in order to understand how to use them properly, how they can benefit my life and other people's life. Improve humanity's knowledge of its own internal processes, and thus also understanding the universe around us and what to do here on earth.

As above, so below, as we say.

See you soon !


Matrice périnatale
3 Oct 2016
Hi fellow psychonauts. I've been meaning to join the forum for quite some time, I hope I can contribute some mind-expanding ideas!

I've been into psychonautics since 2013. I study genetics, molecular biology, evolution, neurology biochemistry, etc. and have a great interest in developing a scientific basis for the understanding of consciousness. I've been working on an idea lately that I'm very excited for and would love to share with anyone with interest! It particularly encompasses the mind/consciousness of all other organisms, which is enlightening when evolutionary themes are applied.

I also love to explore all things esoteric and delve into the psychedelic realm often, having tried most psychedelics at least once. I particularly like to explore how these drugged up states relate to our everyday waking consciousness and how these could be used medically. I've also been exploring meditation in a large amount of depth this year having joined a Tibetan Buddhist center.

I say all this just to hopefully pique some interest/conversation. Talk to everyone soon! :)


12 Oct 2016
Hi to every psychonaut there ! My name is Tellurik.I'm 65 and took my first D in 1970 (quite a trip)
Ain't got any wisdom except to not try put in words anymore THE experience.Since the old days
i've been following my inner travel thru different ways (even so called "spiritual"...even with a Guru)
I quit all that and i'm back to Lucy in the sky ...agin :lol:...Doin' sound with younger friends (Electro miouzik):toimonster:

Rainbow Cicada

Matrice périnatale
10 Nov 2016
Hello! I'm completely new to the world of psychedelics, but I'm not new to the world of psychonauts. I've been practicing lucid dreaming for a really long time and I have so many other worldly experiences it's madness. I'm desperately seeking the company of other psychonauts, not just online, but in real life as well. . . There's not a dating site for psychonauts is there? Anyways! I'm happy to have found this forum, can't wait to learn from you guys and share my experiences.

Abej^a G.

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Fev 2013
6 541
Rainbow Cicada a dit:
I'm desperately seeking the company of other psychonauts, not just online, but in real life as well. . . There's not a dating site for psychonauts is there?

Not yet!
But Don't worry! If the moment has to come will come ...!

P.S.: if you want, you can write experiences and techniques to pratice lucid dreaming!!!

P.P.S.: You're wellcome!!


Matrice périnatale
13 Déc 2016
Hello tout le monde,
Voilà je me présente enfin d'abord je présente mes excuses de ne pas l'avoir fait et ne pas avoir lu les règles d'abord.
J'ai 31ans, 5enfants (que je ne vois plus), un petit copain depuis 3ans, 2 chats
J'ai eu un parcours chaotique enfin pour être franche très chaotique, considérée comme une toxicomane chronique, dépressive à tendance bipolaire avec un trouble de la personnalité, j'ai recherché très jeune l'effet des drogues douces, l'alcool, les médicaments puis les drogues dures.
A ce jour depuis 6 mois, je n'ai plus touché aux drogues dures, mit de coté le cannabis et je test tout ce qui est plantes relaxantes, énergisantes, aphrodisiaques et à rêves.
Je mange de temps en temps des truffes, je ne connais plus le coté social des drogues, je cherche juste ce qui pourrait m'aider pour ma recherche de mon moi profond, pour guérir certaines blessures, les voyages chamaniques, astrale, ce soigner avec les plantes ....
Voilà tout le monde j'espère m’être présentée correctement
Paix à vous


31 Déc 2016
hello all was on here before but for some reason it made me registrar so i need to get my post count up so i can actually see the areas i want to see

Rick Sanchez

Matrice périnatale
18 Jan 2017
Hello to everyone. I guess I am the first to introduce myself in 2017.

I am 25 and live in Manchester/United Kingdom atm. I first tried psychedelics when I was 20. My first was not really clean LSD as I figured with time when I started to have interest in this topic. I had a really long brake cause of moving to UK. Recently I found grow kits online which are apparently really easy to maintain. I am here for knowledge and to talk. If you want to talk and share experiences just send me a message (I don't give skype or msg on first ,,date'' [just kidding]).

Love to you all and have a good 2017 dear psychonauts!


Matrice périnatale
25 Jan 2017
Hello People's

I am a keen student of this endless field of that thing which is psychedelics, neuroscience, botany, spirituality, non duality, psychology, shamanism and plant medicine, and would love to learn more about these from other people's direct experiences of these fields
Perhaps if anyone who share's one of these interests would like to Skype some time that would be great!

Also, next year I am hoping to have a gap year, probably Peru for a few months, anyone been there before?, any recommondations?

Have a good year everyone


Matrice périnatale
26 Jan 2017
I am a 21 year old male,from meridional Europe,
I go to the university, second year,I'm not one that makes use of many drugs, rarely find myself taking drugs, im here to find a solution to a phenibut side effects

idk if phenibut caused me a constipation, or this was just a bad quality powder?
get it from ebay


Matrice périnatale
31 Jan 2017
Hi. My name is Poppy Thankful, I'm a Pre-School teacher of St.Kitts and Nevis. The course i will be taking is Early Childhood Education. I have read the guidelines and will comply.
I love being online, making friends, playing video games, crocheting and reading.


8 Mar 2016
1 404
Hey, sometime i can see your islands from home. Next time i will wave at you.
