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Matrice périnatale
7 Sept 2009
Smoking kratom is a waste, despite the number of headshops that sell kratom spliffs... in fact seeing these for sale is a sign of a poor source. It does have a noticeable effect, but it is very short lived, it's a vile smoke, and you need to smoke lots of it.

Tea works well but tastes really vile, but it needs to be decocted (boiled not just steeped) and a bit of lemon juice or vinegar will help with the process. The 'toss'n'wash' method is the most popular method among westerners for using kratom powder. It takes some practice, swallowing dry powder is not too easy!

There's a good/easy technique for beginners - take a few grams of *powder* and put it in a small bottle with some fruit juice (nothing fizzy!), shake it hard until the powder is suspended in the liquid and then quickly swallow it down, while the powder is still suspended. Easy and relatively tasteless.

An empty stomach helps - it will be far less effective after a meal.

In countries where kratom grows, people generally chew fresh leaves, or make brews. The western toss'n'wash method isn't really used.

Thai probably isn't the best place to start, Bali or Indo would be better starting-off points. Some people are quite insensitive to Thai.


9 Juin 2009
Looks like someones been hard at work making Kratom Videos as there have been quite a few recently appeared on youtube. some are better than others but all worth a look. :)

The cartoon is just an advert for a site really but its quite fun...


Matrice périnatale
29 Sept 2009
About 3 days ago i smoked Kratom with a friend of mine. It was a cigar, slightly larger and thicker than a regular one. I can say that I felt nothing, besides the euphoria and the general highness I had from smoking something else before this. He later got on to making Kratom tea and told me that the effects were: sedation, euphoria and some hallucinations.
So I think that this plant is better off drank than smoked.


19 Août 2009
syprian a dit:
About 3 days ago i smoked Kratom with a friend of mine. It was a cigar, slightly larger and thicker than a regular one. I can say that I felt nothing, besides the euphoria and the general highness I had from smoking something else before this. He later got on to making Kratom tea and told me that the effects were: sedation, euphoria and some hallucinations.
So I think that this plant is better off drank than smoked.

I've heard the same thing, though I can't vouch for it from experience. Many have said that smoking kratom produces little to no effects unless you smoke an uncomfortable amount.


9 Juin 2009
I tried out a method I read about online to get fre Kratom. I just asked some vendors if I could get some free kratom with my usual purchase in exchange for reviewing it and they did. It worked, made my day! :P


it's works for free peyotl free sceletium, and free mimosa hostilis roots pulverised barks ? :idea:

okay :arrow:


9 Juin 2009
So I'm asking this across a few forums, apologies if you read it already or if I am somehow breaking the rules (seem to upset moderators an awful lot - only trying to spread the love )
If you use Kratom is it just for recreation or is it for medicinal use? And does it work for you? Have you tried it and thought it was lousy? Just trying to get a picture of what people think. :)


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
Kratom can be used medically, although in my experience most people have used it recreationally.

In low doses stimulating effect and in high doses sedative effect (although I've heard some people say that vice-versa.

To put it bluntly, kratom is like a weaker vicodin. It's not typically smoked with good results, and eating it is rather unpleasant. The best would be just to make kratom tea. For me it gave mild effects, and although they were pleasant, definitely not one of those life-changers.


9 Juin 2009
After all the rumors, Kratom will definitely not be made illegal (yet) A web site was using "Kratom Doors Slamming Shut" as a sales pitch and it looks like this has caused all the rumors.
Good news is that there definitely are sales on line. I've seen discounts of up to 50%! Time to stock up! :D


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
can u give the website where you have seen this?

I can only find this same post of you at another board mentioning this..


9 Juin 2009
I can give you a list of sites I've found so far, but dont want to break forum rules regarding placing links for suppliers etc. Is this cool to do here? (i always have moderators hassling me every time I place links to sites on forums) You could send me a private message, that is usually ok and I'll be happy to send all the sites I have found so far. :D


Alpiniste Kundalini
30 Juil 2004
People didn't read correctly...

"Kratom Doors Slamming Shut" > they meant they were going on vacation for a little while. They didn't mention anything about legality whatsoever. Panic for nothing...


Sale drogué·e
27 Déc 2007
if SWIM has some resin, how much should he/she smoke injest?


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Why the hell would it be made illegal? It's not something which people would often abuse, such as Cannabis.


17 Mar 2008
Black_Parasol a dit:
Exactly. This thread will most likely contain mixed responses depending on where everyone lives, but in the US, you're absolutely right - anything that draws attention to a legal substance is absolutely negative, even if it's meant to be helpful. It's ridiculous how authorities think that anything that makes us feel good is cause for alarm, even if we've all been responsible. I don't recall anything bad being publicized about Salvia (though I may be wrong), and yet it's currently illegal in more than ten states.

Pharmacist to a customer: I'm sorry we can't sell that drug anymore. It seems the side effects were entirely too pleasant. :lol:

I've always found that joke to have quite a bit of truth in it. Same with marijuana. I saw a show a few weeks ago about MJ. It was a good show overall but it really threw me for a loop when they were discussing the medical benefits of MJ and they said, "Scientists are working on drugs that will have the benefit of MJ without it's side effects". What "side effects" except that it makes you feel good. It's OK to produce drugs with horrible side effects and some even lethal but you can't produce or use one that makes people feel good.

I've always considered these people who are banning everything someone else enjoys to be sad miserable people who just want to make sure everyone else is as sad and miserable as they are. If they can't rise to the level of others they will try to drag everyone else down to theirs.


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
I honestly think that most people can't help it. It's easier to condemn the unknown then to chance the possible.


19 Août 2009
Adder a dit:
Black_Parasol a dit:
Exactly. This thread will most likely contain mixed responses depending on where everyone lives, but in the US, you're absolutely right - anything that draws attention to a legal substance is absolutely negative, even if it's meant to be helpful. It's ridiculous how authorities think that anything that makes us feel good is cause for alarm, even if we've all been responsible. I don't recall anything bad being publicized about Salvia (though I may be wrong), and yet it's currently illegal in more than ten states.

Pharmacist to a customer: I'm sorry we can't sell that drug anymore. It seems the side effects were entirely too pleasant. :lol:

I've always found that joke to have quite a bit of truth in it. Same with marijuana. I saw a show a few weeks ago about MJ. It was a good show overall but it really threw me for a loop when they were discussing the medical benefits of MJ and they said, "Scientists are working on drugs that will have the benefit of MJ without it's side effects". What "side effects" except that it makes you feel good. It's OK to produce drugs with horrible side effects and some even lethal but you can't produce or use one that makes people feel good.

I've always considered these people who are banning everything someone else enjoys to be sad miserable people who just want to make sure everyone else is as sad and miserable as they are. If they can't rise to the level of others they will try to drag everyone else down to theirs.

Haha, you're absolutely right! I haven't heard that joke before, but it's good, I'm going to remember it. :lol: