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LSD enlightenment


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
I'm mildly awake, as I'm going to bed in like 30 minutes. My thoughts right now are that I hope that I'm gonna sleep well because I'll need a lot of concentration tomorrow.

But I've never taken LSD.



Matrice périnatale
22 Oct 2009
It isn't being physically awake that I'm referring to ^.^


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Not as good as being awake due to mescaline. Acid is a mathematical funfair compared to the integral penetration of mesca's lucidity which fits with the universe and the Old World, unlike LSD. LSD forms a nice bridge between the traditional concertation and the technological revolution with it's individualisation.

Not trying to slag off LSD, but mescaline puts any entheogen down. :P


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
So awake ... that I may pass out.


Matrice périnatale
22 Oct 2009
Has mescaline given you an experience where the only way to explain it is enlightenment? Nirvana? Experiencing the Godhead? Where you see everything in everything, have a thorough understanding of the way things are, change and work? Where you truly understand how perfect everything is, and as a result, all you can do is laugh? I really would love to experience what mescaline has to offer, but it's just so hard to find. What I really want to know is, has mescaline aroused you from your slumber? The experience that I had with Lucy truly changed me and my view of reality. I truly understand what it means to be a born-again Christian, what buddhist enlightenment is, what Krishna-consciousness is. Before "the trip", I had such a skewed view of things, especially with religion. I was following the buddhist/hindu path, and thought that it was the best path, that the others "weren't true", but once I woke up, I realized every religion is true, every way is the best way. Right now, I'm trying to find other people who have woken up, I would love to know what their thoughts are, about anything and everything and nothing.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
No, LSD did caused a sort of similar reaction as you described. Mescaline did do the same, but it's visuals were much richer in colour and patterns, deeper and more profound, and there was never the feeling of a tripping buzz but a very wonderful dream-like state instead. The next day I never felt slightly tired, but very vital in a natural way. Unlike DMT, LSD and psilocybine, mescaline is not an indole molecule but a phenethylamine. Hence the euphoria and sexual love sensations which are just WOW! It speaks timeless philosophy.

For many it is difficult to consume enough San Pedro to get a powerful high. It didn't act as an emetic for me (the Indians said it only does by those with an impure heart, and I do underline this assertion) only use dried material myself though, to reduce volume and for not having to taste it's bitterness which I do like in some way but my tongue and lips dry out after a while with fresh material. Too much slime.

Peyote is by far the deepest form of mescaline ever, producing up to 50 alkaloids with a high percentage of mescaline per 27 gram. Peyote is rare and very expensive, it's effects are known to be the most dream-like, drifting, almost a delirium type of state. I never did peyote myself yet, but I know it'll turn out to be the greatest plant ever known. Although once experienced, some prefer San Pedro because of it's calmness and to keep the sacred Peyote alive. It's suffering in nature ya'know, and that's making me doubt since I'm not sure if I want to eat my adults.

Eating cactus also produces a notorious body-oriented high. This aspect is totally absent with LSD or any other psychedelic. Synthethic mescaline splinters is a very rare compound, but if one can get these for real there's no doubt it's going to be your greatest purchase ever.


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
Brug, I know you are a fantastic and experienced poster and all, but I am confused by your comment regarding a body oriented high from mescaline that LSD lacks. Mescaline is the only classic that I've never consumed, but whenever I take LSD there is a definitive body high. What exactly are you referring to about a body oriented high absent from LSD while experiencing mescaline?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Well, there is quite a body load on San Pedro, which is much more than the one from LSD, but also more pleasant and serene. LSD causes more trembling and heart palpitations, which is more a stimulation in the Central Nervous System than truly a ''load' like for instance vessel expansion. San Pedro is much calmer but it gives the body a sort of swollen pump and makes your skin feel heavenly sensual, not to mention touching or stroking things, clothes might feel as pleasant scarfs. It's like on mescaline I can feel myself from tone to head as a whole while usually there's a seperation between body and mind. Walking or moving just feels terrific.

The best way to discover this is to try it out. Just buy a Trichocereus pachanoi (San Pedro) or Trichocereus peruvianus (Pervurian Torch) and learn to consume it, once knowing what the essence of the cactus is, the nausea and drowsiness during the smooth and slow come on shouldn't bother you much.


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
Hmm, this sounds extremely interesting to me, as one of my only issues with beautiful miss Lucy is that CNS stimulation. Sometime a year or so ago I was going to harvest some San Pedro growing wild near to my location, I'll have to look back into this...


Matrice périnatale
22 Oct 2009
Brugmansia, I'm really interested to know how mescaline has impacted you as a person, your thoughts. And more specifically, where do you think humanity is headed? What does mescaline teach you? Show you?


17 Jan 2010
you should read conversations with god if you haven't heard of it(it's a trilogy). deep stuff, it is. and about the wanting to hear opinions on everything nothing and all that jazz where would you like to start??


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
Brugmansia San Pedro was introduced around the Tampa area very heavily, and is used in a lot of landscaping around the state. So not "wild" really, but its there if you look. btw, I posted in the Cacti section a topic with some pictures of cacti growing nearby. Wondering if you would care to take a look and see if you could identify if they are active. I'm a nub with cactus.


Matrice périnatale
4 Jan 2016
are you? i was awake. very fucking awake.

[moderation edit: Don't put your email address here please. If someone want to answer you, he will do that here]


Matrice périnatale
26 Jan 2016
Haha op, this was also my reaction when I woke up, to find the others! I sent a message to a friend I suspected may have had the same experience asking 'I saw it, I was wondering, have you seen it too?' knowing that if they had they would know exactly what I meant. They did!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Sept 2011
16 405
I had one of these feelings one day, but how can you be sure you talk exactly of the same thing? Acid is the kind of playful molecule that give you these kind of impression that everyone feel like you, but it can be very different from one person to another.


Matrice périnatale
26 Jan 2016
They knew what I meant, but I'm still not satisfied they 'know' it in the way I do. It's true, acid is tricky ;)


Matrice périnatale
20 Juil 2016
all substances offer another perception. reality is only ever a perception. tools not toys