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Je m'inscris!

Out of body(without drugs)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
hey I wasn't sure where to post this .. but I think this would be the right place

anyways a few days ago I had, what I think was an out of body experience..
it just happened ... I was totally sober and not thinking about anything like that... I was just thinking about sleeping..
about 10 minutes after I went to bed it happened

it was strange... I felt certain pressure points on my body because of the positions I was in.. because more weight leaned on those points
at that part I started visualizing things... , things totally not relevent with anything:P
I was getting in a sort trance like state, I know that because I have those every now and then
ur not dreaming but ur not quite awake... u have ur own thought but they are very weird :P
anyways I was looking at my tv screen in that visualisation and I started feeling this enormous energie starting to flow thru my body.. it was very very intense.. it felt good, better then an orgasm actually :P
I thought to myself hmm this is weird .. could this be what I think it is
and I started focussing on lifting up , then I felt an even greater energie
I noticed I started to float and I looked down and saw myself lying in bed.. it was kinda scary and I started to go up faster and faster and I went thru my roof and I thought "HOLY SHIT" this is going to fast .. and I thought about slowing down and then it stopped I snapped out of it

i`m confident it wasnt a dream and that is was "real"

I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this ??
keep in mind that I was totally not focussing on a experience like this.. I was just thinking about sleeping :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I heard that people can manage to get out of body experiences like these with a lot of training (they call it "astral voyages"). You could be very lucky to be able to achieve this state without any training. Man I never really got that far with drugs (only once on shrooms where I sat next to myself for a short moment), you should really consider yourself lucky to be able to do that kind of stuff sober!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Fev 2006
1 028
you cana lso do this with lucid dreaming, OBE's are kinda common in the Lucid dream world ;)
still trying to even get lucid though.. i cant seem to wake up in my dreams :/


Alpiniste Kundalini
21 Août 2006
Without drugs I only get a hint of it with meditation. That's only a tiny bit though. Like you feel above your head or your head space has expanded by a couple feet :p With drugs I've never actually looked at myself...but have become objects. Like say a light hanging on the wall...that was fun ;) Or a security camera along with the static bluish / black and white color visualizations :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
i`m hoping that because I now know the feeling
I might be able to bring it back again... but I also heard that this 'traveling' can be dangerous.. a girl I know said that when u are out of your body .. other
things can get it ... which can lead to split personality or psychoses


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Sept 2006
There is NO danger for that kind of 'travelling'.
But of course, when you are 'out-of-your-body', you are very 'dependant' of what you believe in, and what you believe is not obviously something you may be aware about.
Unconscious fears may appear in that state. This is similar to the bad trip issue with drugs, but as it is a very 'natural' state, you can have much more control on it and anyway you can wake up when you want, althought it 'seems' sometimes that you are stucked in the rabbit hole. It happenened to me one time and I woke up by trying to sleep within the dream. However, I'm pretty sure that I would have woken up anyway ;)
Yes, I am speaking about lucid dreaming but the kind of experience you related is the same, just happening at a different time than in the usual REM sleep.
One more time, NO danger... I insist because I read that kind of stupid things when I was younger and this influenced me while I know now that there was no reason to fear anything from that kind of experience, just have fun with :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
No danger for sure. Notice how negative propaganda is not limited to entheogens but even to these wonderful experiences.

Thats a very profound experience you had Prostoner!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
9 Juil 2003
1 246
wow! that's amazing!

alice :wink:


Psycho disparu·e
22 Juin 2006
1 858
some things happens to me every now and then :

that's also a strange near-sleeping state, and you've got strange feelings and sometimes strange experiences.

Sometimes I lay down on my bed and close my eyes, and I feel very strange, like if I was a point alone, very very far from everything.

also there happened some strange things when i wasn't on drugs (like close-eyes streets I could drive in by brain :p)



Alpiniste Kundalini
21 Août 2006
A few weeks back I had to pick up a friend from jail at 3am. I sat in that station for about an hour and started to get the breathing effect mushrooms give. 1) I was very bored and trying meditating with eyes open 2) It was so late and I was tired.

Very cool though. Worth a try if your bored.


I also had an OBE 7 years ago, this short moment opened up a world for me, to bad I couldn't do it once more.

Out of school I went to the coffeeshop to get a joint.
Smoked it somewhere outside with a friend and then decided to go home.
I wasn't really stoned, but peacefully high and went right to my room, my mother was about to come home, so I thought let's stay my high in my room :D

I layed down on my bed with my clothes on directly on the blanket and maaaaaaaaaaaan, it felt so good. Like I was sinking in a sea of cotton.
So I decided to do breathing exercises.
Hadn't really done that type of thing, but was really interested in the more spiritual side of life.
So I started breathing in a much slower tempo and also got into a trance like state.

Suddenly I felt hunger and stood up from my bed, went through my door, through the door to the balcony and through the door of my parents place into the kitchen. So I was standing in the kitchen next to my mom and I saw what clothes she wore and that she was slicing a cucumber and this all happend in half a second and suddenly I realised that I didn't open any doors and I could see 360 degrees around me only a little bit of that image I could fully grasp. I also rememberd seeing the kitchen in front and the door of my place to the balcony at the same time :retard:

So realising all this made me snap out of it, 'cause it couldn't have been longer then 3 quarters of a second. So I stood up out of bed, went to the kitchen and saw my mom standing there, in those clothes finishing the last few slices of the cucumber.

I was absolutely stunned, because I hadn't seen my mom that day.
Ofcourse I didn't tell her anything when she asked why I had an almost terifyingly wondering look on my face.

But this was one of the most bizarre things I ever experienced.

Actually I was intruiged by a guy who told me that if you do breathing exercises and imagine numbers before you, not random numbers but 0 to 9 in a specific color, that you can experience a OBE, but you have to get your brainwaves in alpha state.

The weird thing was I was in alpha state in maybe 15 to 20 minutes, so that was really strange.

In the end, I did smoke a joint, probably was stoned before, but when I flowed out of the stonedness into a nice high I was so relaxed and I got the experience by doing a breathing exercise


Elfe Mécanique
4 Août 2006
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Actually I was intruiged by a guy who told me that if you do breathing exercises and imagine numbers before you, not random numbers but 0 to 9 in a specific color, that you can experience a OBE, but you have to get your brainwaves in alpha state.

The weird thing was I was in alpha state in maybe 15 to 20 minutes, so that was really strange.

There is actually a way to see what you are doing in your brain. There is a therapy for people with ADD or ADHD (but also for sportsmen or pilots who want to train for a flightsimulator) where you can develop certain brainwaves in particular zones in your brain. With ADD the problem is there is too less activity in the prefrontal cerebral cortex. To train this development there is special software. You get to wear a cap on your head with all kinds of sensors measuring the alpha, bèta, gamma, delta waves in all parts of your brain. Then you have to steer in a computergame, just by using the right brainwaves, so that you develop your brain and you heal yourself from the ADD complaints.

I can imagine it could be possible to see on screen how you can develop this alpha state and learn how to do it without the cap on your head.

But neurofeedback therapy is quite expensive just to use it as a toy. About 60 euro for a session of 30 minutes.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
I had a brainmachine once that supposedly does this as well. I bought it back then because I had sleeping problems. After one week falling asleep with this machine, I was able to do without. This was 10 years ago, I since then sleep like a baby every night.


A brainmachine is a good example of automaticly letting sound and vision make your brainwave pattern shift.

You can also do it with sound alone, there are some nice techniques you can use while making music.
There are even music cd's that give your brainwaves the optimal patterns for learning or sleeping or training or whatever... Only they cost 90 dollars a piece, so better make that music myself then :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
some things happens to me every now and then :

that's also a strange near-sleeping state, and you've got strange feelings and sometimes strange experiences.

Sometimes I lay down on my bed and close my eyes, and I feel very strange, like if I was a point alone, very very far from everything.

A near-sleep state can be very trippy indeed. When I'm very tired but not ready to sleep I sometimes get into a kind of half-sleep. It feels extremely good, better than real sleep actually because you can still feel your body a little, but you're also out of it (like in real sleep). When I wake up from that state I am always very confused for a minute or so.

As I read all your posts I remembered I had a few moments in my life where suddenly my whole perception changed for a few seconds (like everything starts spinning, you lose connection and are "inside your own body" for a moment. I always thought these moments had been extremely short faintings (due to heat or stress or whatever) but maybe they weren't. I mean if you were going to faint, you'd probably really faint and not just experience a few seconds of that feeling.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
I`m very glad to hear there are no dangers to OBE's

and in reply to this experience u had Tryptonaut.. i`m not trying to disprove that u had a spiritual experience...
I would like to add an option, we just learned in school... where we are learning First aid..(EHBO) we also done a part about short faints... they can last for a few seconds... and u dont really faint .. as in falling to the ground and such, most times people dont even notice that it happened
so that might also have been what happened to u.. only u noticed that it happened :) which is sweet also hehe

tryptonaut a dit:
As I read all your posts I remembered I had a few moments in my life where suddenly my whole perception changed for a few seconds (like everything starts spinning, you lose connection and are "inside your own body" for a moment. I always thought these moments had been extremely short faintings (due to heat or stress or whatever) but maybe they weren't. I mean if you were going to faint, you'd probably really faint and not just experience a few seconds of that feeling.


Sale drogué·e
10 Juin 2006
Actually I was intruiged by a guy who told me that if you do breathing exercises and imagine numbers before you, not random numbers but 0 to 9 in a specific color, that you can experience a OBE, but you have to get your brainwaves in alpha state.

yeah you have a book about this its called Self healling through the power of the spirit (in dutch: zelfgenezing door de kracht van de geest)
by Kurt Tepperwein, it uses this similair technique by imagine numbers from 7 till 1 in diffrent colours
like : 7 red , 6 orange , 5 yellow , 4 green , 3 blue , 2 lilac , 1 violet.
to reach the Unconscious state of mind
where you can rest your mind or just simply think your body healthy.
this takes some practice and should be done for 30 day to have effect.
This therapy bin called Psychobernetica and is pretty interesting in my opion if you consider that you normal only use 20% of your brain capacity, and with this therapy you might can take full advance of your brain capacity.

The Unconscious is a powerfull tool.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I would like to add an option, we just learned in school... where we are learning First aid..(EHBO) we also done a part about short faints... they can last for a few seconds... and u dont really faint .. as in falling to the ground and such, most times people dont even notice that it happened
so that might also have been what happened to u.. only u noticed that it happened Smile which is sweet also hehe

So "short faints" really exist? I mean I diagnosed it correctly even I didn't have a clue. I should've become a doctor, I guess ;)
Whatever it is, it is pretty trippy nevertheless. I mean many shamanistic practices include things that make you faint from heat or pain. So fainting (or almost fainting) can be a psychedelic experience, I guess.


I dunno if this is it but I when I am really sleepy in class, I tend to half-sleep and my mind jumps back and forth from reality to dream world. I can't tell which is which for a brief while, then i sorta wake up, realize im in class, and fall into half sleep mode again. The dumbest was when I was throwing something in my dream, i threw my enlgish text book across the classroom instead... :D