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Je m'inscris!

This Goddess and the Occultocracy


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
As far as I am aware ONLY Monica Sjoo has delved into this extremely taboo subject. I say 'taboo' because of my experience trying to get people--who you would imagine would have the knowledge to tackle it--to explore this, and even talk about it, but they tend to either say their goodbyes quickly, dismiss it as nonesense, or utter silence. And I include feminists I have tried to ask about it.


Well believe it or not, all around us are occultist symbols, and events, that many people would not have any idea of. Here is a summary:

If you are an America, checkout your one dollar bill. On it is a pyramid with an 'all-seeing'eye' and togther with this symbols if text saying amongst other things --in so many words' 'New World Order' , and there is numerology too;

If you look at the architectual design of Washing D.C. you will see--when gleaning the relevant info--occultist symbolism;

Corporate logos, and government agencies, are awash with occustist symbolism;

the elite make gestures to each other which are signalling occultist fraternal solidarity;

All over such atrocities of 9/11, 7/7, etc, and assasination of JFK, etc etc is occultist signatures which include numerology, correspondences/place/date/history etc

Even major wars like World War 1 is connected with this. For example, WW1 ended on the 11th day on the 11th month on the 11th hour. '11' is a very important occultist 'power number' for this occultocracy, and is also all over 9/ 11

Now, when you research into this occultocracy you hear them using symbols that are very close to the Goddess. For example some researcher mention their historical sources as 'Brotherhood of the Serpent'. Anyone who knows about Goddess religion knows of her very close connection with the Serpent.

So as I am understanding the situation. These brotherhoods/secret societies/occultocracy had appropriated preliteral Goddess motifs for their own insidious cause, which is world domination and control over others' consciousness.

I am not belonging to orthodox religions, and thus I am aware that the researchers into this mostly are Christian, and they demonize all Paganism--as is typical of them. So their research is bias and blind.

then we have the David Icke type of researchers, who are coming from an Eastern idealistic perspective, but also include nonesense about 'draconian reptillians', and how they are in hybrid with the occultocracy.

I am, wondering if any here have heard of this, what I am trying to overview here, and what your feelings are about what I am saying?

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
The serpent isn't just associated with the Goddess. Lord Vishnu sleeps on a serpent bed in the Causal Ocean. Lord Shiva is adorned with serpents around his neck and arms.

Have you read Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby? I think it's better reading than David Icke.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I think there is a lot of selective perception involved with all this. if you want to see those symbols, you will see these symbols. this counts especially for numbers.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366

mind manifests.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
check this out

Maybe there are occult groups trying to take over the world or bring about the eschaton, but I don´t believe in a big super conspiracy.
I agree there is a lot of synchronism surrounding us, but I don´t see that as proof for a conspiracy.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
The serpent isn't just associated with the Goddess. Lord Vishnu sleeps on a serpent bed in the Causal Ocean. Lord Shiva is adorned with serpents around his neck and arms.

Have you read Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby? I think it's better reading than David Icke.

I never said the serpent is 'just' associated with the Goddess, and/or goddeses, I said/meant that the serpent was originally associated with the Goddess, before male brotherhoods/male oriented secret societies appropriated the symbol as their own.

Yes I have read \Cosmic Serpent, but that is just his theory, and it doesn't disprove that the serpent was originally connected with Goddess and nature. A symbol for how nature renews itself through the cycles of life, death, and regeneration

Lord Siva is a god that appropriates the far more ancient primordial function of the Dark Goddess/Dark Moon


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
misery a dit:
I think there is a lot of selective perception involved with all this. if you want to see those symbols, you will see these symbols. this counts especially for numbers.

What do you see on your one dollar bill then? Is that selective perception.

And it is so easy and lazy to dismiss these numbers/Numerology (which has a history connected to occultism!) and symbols as coincidence. I cannot waste my time trying to convince those who will not see the obvious. Get with it?[/i]


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
symbols can be interpreted in many ways. selective perception is just that.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
magickmumu a dit:
check this out

Maybe there are occult groups trying to take over the world or bring about the eschaton, but I don´t believe in a big super conspiracy.
I agree there is a lot of synchronism surrounding us, but I don´t see that as proof for a conspiracy.

It is in plain sight if you will just look.

Example, did you know that in Hollywood and TV programmes there have been 'insiders' strutting their stuff to others in the know?

Example in the film The Matrix thers a scene where we see Neo's passport.
Now, the expiry date is....guess ? is 11th September 01 now, guess what the issue date is?...? Why it's 11th September 1991 the year that Bush snr gave the speech about the New World Order

NO, it is not a coincidence. And no it is not 'synchromysticism', it is deliberate inside info in plain sight!

Many of them 'openly' speak about the New World Order. I put that word in commas because, these people are masters of mindcontrol, and they know that a certain percentage of people/sheeple will be asleep to these signals, and possible sorcery that along with conventional mindcontrol techniques assures them their devious plans will be fulfilled

Are YOU happy with your life that you feel everythings hunky dory? What about others round the world who are virtual slaves, and those dying of starvation, and the animals and insects going extinct? And the children etc to come?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
So what do you propose?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
I thought that this part of the forum was only available to woman :P ;)


13 Juil 2008
Are YOU happy with your life that you feel everythings hunky dory? What about others round the world who are virtual slaves, and those dying of starvation, and the animals and insects going extinct? And the children etc to come?

So unless we agree entirely with your HIGHLY subjective interpretation of the symbols on the dollar bill then we are for slavery, starvation, the death of children and the extinction of entire species? Your implication sounds just as dogmatic as any religious fanatic.

I'm actually quite interested in the topic of secret societies/brotherhoods throughout the ages and have done a lot of reading on the matter. I don't feel the need to demand other people take ONE of the many potential symbol interpretations as fact though.

Misery and Forkbender even pointed out to you TWICE that your interpretations are selectively done so to fit in with your overall concept. They didn't say "there are no symbols there" or "that interpretation is not one of the possible interpretations which could be correct" but you just decided to ignore their comments and then, irony of ironies, INTERPRET what they said as meaning they don't see any symbollism there and just aren't 'looking hard enough at what is in plain sight' to paraphase you.

Pointing out something interesting is one thing, you're just becoming embrassing for everyone involved if you're going to take that kind of dogmatic mentality from the outset though, whether you realize it or not. Your tone is very condescending, anyone who doesn't agree is somehow missing the ability to plainly see what you hold to be self-evident and people who haven't investigated these matters at all are 'sheeple'.

This is a vast topic and area of research, you are taking terms which are extremely broad like "occultist" and applying them as though that was one group of people who could be defined very simply. That kind of mentality is always extremely suspect to me. Wanting the world to be simpler than it is is not an excuse for ignoring the vast complexity of it. I've no doubt conspiracies exist of varying sizes and influences, I wouldn't pretend we don't live in a planet of 6 billion people who all have their own agendas and motivations though.

To simplify this entire post:
Someone taking a different interpretation out of the vast pool of mythology and symbology != someone not being able to 'see' your one true symbollism.

Being open minded means also allowing for the highly likely possibility you're wrong, about everything.

What the thinker thinks the prover proves.

Chill out for a minute and try to remember you're a primate which happens to walk upright and communicates through little mouth noises, scribbles on pieces of tree pulp and bashing plastic keys connected to a computer terminal.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 23:34 Post subject:
So what do you propose?

To become aware of what I am pointing out. I cannot assume I know where you are with this subject. I know what I have researched, and as I mentioned I said I saw investigators falling into two main camps, the Christians, and the David Ickians. The former tend to demonize anything they term 'Pagan' as 'Satanism', and the ltter spin theories about the elite being shapeshifting aliens/reptilians.

tell me how you would define yourself regarding this subject. I would be interested to know?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:36 Post subject:

I am being as straight up as I can about this. If you interpret this as being aloof then, what can I say. From my experience many people dont want to discuss this, even though I see it as in-the-face.

But before I go on. I put myself on the line about this. So now you do same. Please explain your interpretation of the symbolism on the one dollar bill. For after all you accuse me of ramming MY interpretation down your throat. So I am open to dig what you think that symbolism means, for example


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
zezt a dit:
tell me how you would define yourself regarding this subject. I would be interested to know?

I agree with your analysis about the distinction between christians and ickeans.

I spend some time studying all these ideas and came to the conclusion that all their fears about some elite controlling everybody is just as applicable to themselves. The free-your-mind-movement has cultlike features that I don't like. I see these people creating an invisible scapegoat instead of working on their own freedom. It is much easier to say there is a group of people controlling everyone else than taking responsibility for your own beliefs. I prefer the latter, as the former doesn't empower you in the least, because it is based on blaming others for your own situation. What these groups and thinkers are doing is putting new ideas in the place of the old ones, thereby programming the people listening to them.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
Forkbender a dit:
zezt a dit:
tell me how you would define yourself regarding this subject. I would be interested to know?

I agree with your analysis about the distinction between christians and ickeans.

I spend some time studying all these ideas and came to the conclusion that all their fears about some elite controlling everybody is just as applicable to themselves. The free-your-mind-movement has cultlike features that I don't like. I see these people creating an invisible scapegoat instead of working on their own freedom. It is much easier to say there is a group of people controlling everyone else than taking responsibility for your own beliefs. I prefer the latter, as the former doesn't empower you in the least, because it is based on blaming others for your own situation. What these groups and thinkers are doing is putting new ideas in the place of the old ones, thereby programming the people listening to them.

I don't agree 8)

You have to know who the enemy is, otherwise the enemy will deceptively --because they are extremely deceptive--have you looking at others who are their victims as the enemy, the animals, and even your self!

So it is good to open your eyues to see what is going on. That is what I am encouraging. I am saying, hey look, guess what? Did you know that all over 9/11 there are clues that point away from the 'patsy Arab boxcutting hijackers', and point directly at an occultocracy that seems to have infiltrated most if not all the main institutions of our civilization.

And I feel, that to pretend this is not so is living a big lie. And being in denial. And that in actuality the world is in such dire straights that people can no longer afford to be in denial, and resent people who tell them to look. Just because what ever these people get up to hasn't seriously affected them yet.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
there is no enemy. why think in terms of for and against? and what if everybody is aware of this, don't you think there will be people who will take advantage of the mass-focus on this phenomenon? will one form of tyranny not be replaced by another where people aren't looking?

and i don't really care about who was behind 9/11. i know that both extremists and politicians have their own problems and that they are both capable of doing horrifying things to large numbers of people.

who is the enemy? you keep saying there is an enemy, but who are they? what can we do, right here, right now, about the situation as it is?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
there are no shortage of female occultists. Dion Fortune springs to mind
about 50% of my friends are female occultists

as for secret societies. as long as they are bound up in dogma and secrecy all the better IMO.
(i cant work out the point of this thread, sorry)

ignore the machine


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
druglessdouglas a dit:
there are no shortage of female occultists. Dion Fortune springs to mind
about 50% of my friends are female occultists

as for secret societies. as long as they are bound up in dogma and secrecy all the better IMO.
(i cant work out the point of this thread, sorry)

ignore the machine

Oh god people like you make me despair. yes really. I know....what CAn you do

But listen. Your apathy does not dull MY spirit. I just look at you with sadness


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I lolled.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
Forkbender a dit:
there is no enemy. why think in terms of for and against? and what if everybody is aware of this, don't you think there will be people who will take advantage of the mass-focus on this phenomenon? will one form of tyranny not be replaced by another where people aren't looking?

and i don't really care about who was behind 9/11. i know that both extremists and politicians have their own problems and that they are both capable of doing horrifying things to large numbers of people.

who is the enemy? you keep saying there is an enemy, but who are they? what can we do, right here, right now, about the situation as it is?

You know when the people of Hiroshima had a hydrogen bomb dropped on them, do you think THEY had an enemy? Are you for real??

What about people in the world now being screwed by the World Bank and the IMF. Should they just roll over and say 'ahhhhh, what enemy?' are you crazy. What are you some very cozy Dutch dude with a fancy apartment and drawfull of ganja and you just dont care....do you?

Well dude, there are many people in this world suffering terribly, and this is very much because there is an enemy. And the fact you deny it says much about your convenient apathy.. Like your frind down there. That you aren't touched by the shit these people can do to people, and animals, and insects, and trees, and mountains, and the whole planet.

Why do you take fukinpsychedelics if they do not wake up any compassion in you?

You dont CARE whose behind 9/11?! Did you lose anyone in 9/11? Do you have anyone dying from the fumes of 9/11? Bet not. So why again should you worry. cause 'i'm alright jack' init?

You keep asking what we can do. What we do is look AT what is going on. If a group of people is poisoning the water system our kids have to drink out of you dont say --scratchin your behind 'errrrr, WHAt enemy?' you have to do something dont you. You have to stand up and be fukin counted dont you?